Read the news of the TALENT members from January to June 2020!

Download the Newsletter #1



Responding to the Challenge of Pedagogical Continuity in the covid-19 period - UNHCR

Strengthening learning in the region in the context of COVID-19 - UNICEF

Africa: The challenge of quality distance education for all – IIPE

Investing in ICTs in education, a path with no return – ISU

Conducting Learning Assessments During School Closures - IICBA-TALENT-ADEA

Regional report about quality assurance mechanisms and practices in the pre-service training of rimary and basic cycle teachers in Burkina Faso, Mali, Niger and Senegal - UNESCO-IFEF-CONFEMEN

COVID-19 and pedagogical continuity in the countries: CONFEMEN as a framework for consultation between the ministers of the French-speaking area - CONFEMEN      

Mapping of Learning Assessment Systems in  Sub-Saharan Africa  - TALENT

How to join the TALENT network?